Monday 9 January 2017

What do you call a cloudgazer? Can you take up cloudgazing as a hobby? I would say yes, and Brunei would be the perfect place to do it.
Every few minutes the sky changes; puffy white clouds dance together forming a huge massive grey cloud that hides the sun, then the sun gently peeks through the clouds and seems to separate them back into tiny little puffs. 

The sunsets and sunrises are always dramatically red and juicy. The photos are just a starter to whet your appetite.

You can tell I was cloud deprived, having lived in the UAE for 4.5 years!
Stay grounded, head in the clouds;)

Thursday 5 January 2017

Venice in Vrunei

Mosques here are very photogenic. I love their colour and roundness, plus the fact that their soundbite is quieter than it is in the UAE; a gentle reminder rather than an angry call – I know it is not actually an angry call in the UAE, but that is what I feel when I hear the call for prayer there - ‘Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien’. This one is not the prettiest I have seen, but I have not had the chance to do much drive-by shooting, because I’ve been practising my left-hand driving. Which means David has been the passenger, and a dream co-pilot too!

Stunning Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien mosque and reflection

... and back to the top! Venice in Vrunei? Indeed! For 4$ you can go on a little boat tour on Brunei River. We have heard reports that this is fun, but have yet to experience it. What we did experience was our second sushi meal from the gorgeous Kaizen Sushi restaurant, from where we had this view:

Boats taking workers & school children across

Houses on stilts. For now it is only possible to get there by boat.
Sungai Kebun bridge in the background, which will connect Jalan Residency to Kampung Sungai Kebun
Stay afloat and be sure to come back for more! 

You are hereby invited to visit us

13 years after the birth of my godson - Daniel - this blog is born!
13 years ago I was in the scenic São Vicente, Madeira island, where I began my teaching career. Full time primary teacher in São Vicente and part-time EFL teacher and trainer. Back then I did not blog, but now I do. So here is post number 1. 

See this blog as an invitation to come and visit me & David till June 2019.  BTW, if anyone knows how to change the background image, please help me as I am terrified of messing with code. Too old for that!
A very welcome welcome sign at the airport

Ever changing ever inspiring skies